tree maze

Tree Maze Worksheet

While the majority of the lessons we will be covering here are pencil (or crayon) and paper drawings or sequences, it is a really good idea to try to replicate the lessons using real-world items or other household or environmental object like buttons, beans, acorns or whatever else can help to hold their interest. It is important for the child …


Printable Reusable Tangram Puzzle

The worksheet below is one of the sample selections from our children’s educational book “The Forgotten Milestone“.  Children Ages 4-10. Assembling patterns, animal and human forms from Tangrams is a great way to exercise your pattern recognition skill.  There is a whole chapter in our book with many other animal and human forms to replicate using the Tangram above. The …

pattern recognition matching

Pattern Recognition Matching

Whether our children are facing a career in accounting, medicine, science or art, they will be faced with a tremendous amount of data – an amount of data that could never have been predicted when our educational curriculum were developed years ago. Your child will face a future where making good business decisions or predicting trends in their industry will …

pattern recognition coloring

Pattern Recognition Coloring

Working with patterns not only improves a child’s foundation for problem solving in all core learning activities, but expands the tool-set they have available when confronted with a new challenge. Just as an adult might have devised day-to-day strategies for selecting alternate routes based on traffic or the time of day, a child can use the experiences they have had …

rotate shapes

Match the Rotated Patterns

One of the reasons children get frustrated so easily when confronted with a new problem or challenge isn’t as much that it looks difficult, but because they just feel as though they don’t have a method devised to solve it. When an adult sees a new problem they have generally already put in place a system or checklist that they …

find the one that's different

Find the Picture That is Different

An early interest in pattern recognition and problem solving is key to helping a child develop a critical love for learning, but because of the unique strengths and weaknesses of each child, some children may excel with one type of pattern work while some might excel with a different learning approach. Some children are visual learners, some are better when …

hidden letters

Find the Hidden Letters

Just the understanding that problems can be solved by looking for patterns can help children out dramatically. Understanding that counting by 2’s or 10’s can help them arrive at a solution faster than counting things one at a time can help them down the road when they are faced with more complex tasks. Just knowing that discovering patterns can be …

complete the sequences

Complete the Sequences

Literally every aspect of what children learn today can benefit from a solid background in pattern recognition. While it is obvious that math, language, music and sports are all heavily based on pattern recognition, there are many other day-to-day activities that can also benefit. While you and I take for granted how different one font can be from another, some …

mirror image worksheet

Complete the Mirror Image Picture

Within the realm of children’s education there is so much of a focus on the core curriculum of math, reading and spelling that we sometimes overlook the skills necessary to actually develop that core. Practice with finding existing patterns at an early age can help a child to develop their own processes for analyzing problems or even develope improved systems …

tally the objects worksheet

Tally the Objects

This worksheet is from the tallying section of our book, “Mastering the Math Milestone“. On this worksheet, the child will fill out the chart by tallying each different type of animal in the group.

shapes rectangles and squares

Shapes and Dimensions: Rectangles and Squares

This worksheet is from the “Mastering the Math Milestone” book from the chapter on shapes and dimensions. This worksheet is practice in understanding the relationship between width and height. It also tests the child’s skill in size comparison.

tables rows and columns

Reading Information in a Table

This worksheet is from the “Mastering the Math Milestone” book. The child is asked to answer questions based on the information in the table using the labels, columns and rows.

charts rors and columns

Reading Charts – Rows and Columns

This worksheet is from the “Mastering the Math Milestone” book. This worksheet is for practice reading information from tables and understanding the concept of columns and rows.

geometry hexagon worksheet

Geomety: 2D Shapes – Count the Sides (Hexagon)

This shapes worksheet is from the book, “Mastering the Math Milestone“. This worksheet has the child count sides and vertices, write that number and then trace and write the shape’s name.

count the tally marks

Counting Tally Marks

This worksheet on tallying is from our book, “Mastering the Math Milestone“. This is for practice in counting and totaling tally marks in a chart. It is also an introduction to analyzing data in a chart.

fill in missing numbers counting worksheet

Counting Numbers Up to 100

This counting worksheet is from the book, “Mastering the Math Milestone“. This worksheet is for practice in writing, tracing and counting the numbers through 100.